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At Malby Redwood Academy, our curriculum intends to provide a well-rounded education that meets the needs of all students. Our aim is to cultivate confident, resilient learners who are equipped with the skills, knowledge and values needed for a successful future.

We place a strong emphasis on foundational skills and aim to ensure that our students become fluent readers, writers and mathematicians. Our curriculum builds on prior learning, which allows students to make connections between different subjects and apply their learning in innovative and creative ways. We encourage curiosity, motivating students to ask questions and explore new ideas.

Effective communication is central to our curriculum. We focus on oracy, supporting students to articulate their ideas clearly and listen respectfully to others. This focus helps to develop confident speakers who can express their thoughts, collaborate effectively and interact socially.

We promote a culture of kindness, in which children have respect for themselves and for others and every student feels valued and accepted.

By developing resilience, we encourage students to persevere and learn from their experiences. We want to prepare students for the next stage of their education so they can become successful citizens who reach their full potential.

Redwood Academy is a school which will always:

  • Make learning the priority
  • Strive to continually self-evaluate and improve
  • Encourage and value extended learning opportunities including sport and the creative and performing arts.
  • Develop a learning partnership between children, parents, school and the local community.
  • Challenge children to achieve their full potential and be prepared for the next stage of their education

Please see below detailed information about each curriculum subject covered. If you'd like any further information about our curriculum, we'd be happy to discuss it in more detail - please contact us at or call 01709 812848. 



For more information regarding Primary Assessment please click here.




At Maltby Redwood Academy we will ensure that children enjoy learning by:

  • Providing a welcoming, safe, happy learning environment where everyone is respected and valued. 
  • Building self-esteem and confidence to ensure children develop as independent, resilient and motivated learners.
  • Providing a broad enquiry-led curriculum which inspires our children to become confident, successful learners and considered thinkers.
  • Challenging learners to achieve their full potential and leave prepared for the next stage of their education
  • Accessing broader learning opportunities through working in partnership with other schools in the Maltby Learning Community.

To achieve this we have developed a fantastic staff team; committed to supporting, guiding and enabling your child to develop the skills they need to flourish.


At Maltby Redwood Academy we ensure that children secure success by:

  • Striving for the highest possible standards of achievement
  • Modelling mutual respect and excellent behaviour
  • Providing an excellent, well-resourced learning environment
  • A commitment to staff learning and development and the sharing of quality practice

We celebrate achievements, whether they are academic , sporting, performing arts or creative. Children are encouraged to share their extra-curricular achievements in our weekly 'Special Mentions' assembly. 


At Maltby Redwood Academy we ensure children are prepared for life beyond school by:

  • Developing them as responsible citizens who celebrate diversity, know that actions have consequences and care about the future of the world they live in.
  • Encouraging them to become confident individuals who believe in themselves and trust those around them.
  • Fostering ambition and acceptance of nothing less than their very best.
  • Developing them as self-reliant, independent learners.
  • Offering a wide range of real-life opportunities to engage and stimulate growth.