Latest News
- Read MorePublished 25/05/23We were visited by the President of Maltby and Rother Valley Lions, Joshua Spurr, who kindly gifted a series of books written by the author Ellie Jackson. The books are all about the planet and our environment and we can't wait to use them.
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Maltby Miners Memorial
Published 23/05/23Maltby Miners Memorial, who are preserving the rich mining heritage of the region, have provided the children with a unique opportunity to cultivate their love for plants.
The initiative, which took place over the past few months, allowed children from various local schools to participate in the planting and nurturing of vibrant flowers. The planters will be proudly displayed around the Miners Memorial Wheel in the heart of Maltby, adding a splash of colour and vitality to the town's landscape.
The Maltby Miners Memorial has long been committed to fostering a sense of community and preserving the historical significance of the mining industry. By extending the opportunity for children to engage in gardening, they have not only promoted a connection to nature but have also instilled a sense of responsibility and care for the environment.
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Thank you from the gardening crew
Published 22/05/23The Gardening Crew would like to extend their thanks to Sharon Biggins, a Trustee of The Maltby Lands Foundation, for donating gloves and tools. The plants are flourishing in our vegetable patches. On Friday The Crew were thinning out the lettuces, carrots and beetroots and repotting the courgettes into larger plant pots.
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Coronation of King Charles III
Published 09/05/23A huge thank you to everyone who attended our Coronation Celebration on Friday. It was a fantastic day for all and a great success! We hope you enjoyed the day and the long Coronation Weekend!