Social Media and Online Safety
The internet is part of everyday life and has many positive benefits including keeping in touch with family and friends. However, it is important that the internet is used safely.
At Maltby Redwood Academy we feel the following are important for students:
For self and others online. It is important to consider what you say and what images you share; once something has been sent it becomes public and can last for ever. Sexting, or the possession and sharing of indecent images of children and young people who are under 18 is illegal.
It is important to only give personal contact information to trusted friends and family. It is equally important to know how to use privacy settings, how to block someone who is behaving badly, and how to keep records of offending messages, pictures and conversations. Secure passwords should be used for sites that are visited regularly and accounts deactivated when they are no longer used – this reduces the risk of hacking.
People that you meet online are still strangers. Young people should only meet them with the knowledge of their parent/carer who should accompany them on a first meeting. Young people should not arrange to meet them in the company of their friends as they could be put at risk too. The other person should be taking the same precautions so a young person doesn’t need to worry about offending them.
Young people should tell someone if they have been victim of unsafe activity on the internet or have come across suspicious behaviour. They should tell an adult – this could be a parent/carer or someone in school – or make a report to CEOP, and the social network provider. If they are worried they can ring ChildLine on 0800 1111
Create a positive footprint. Young people should share positive posts, vlogs and tweets, and celebrate the good things they have done.
Police Digital Security Centre (PDSC)
Online abuse is a major area of concern and cyber-enabled abuse and bullying is inescapable. The PDSC takes safeguarding very seriously and much of the advice they offer can be applied to keeping individuals, and their children, safe online. They partner with ChildSafeVPN and have several advice and infographics.
Click here for resources and advice guides.
As a parent or carer it can be difficult to keep track of new social media platforms and new online technology. The following websites are designed to help parents to keep in touch with changes and manage their child’s online activity: