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At Maltby Redwood Academy we make music an enjoyable and inspiring learning experience in which children engage with songs, lyrics and movement. We want our children to feel reflective and expressive as well as being able to develop their own appreciation of music.  



Children at Redwood have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument such as the trumpet or ukulele. We believe this allows children to develop a better awareness of their “aim” and “force” in relation to their own motor skills, improve their “fluid intelligence” (the ability to solve new problems, use logic in new situations, and identify patterns) and develop the patience and determination needed to succeed. All children are given the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument from standard classroom instruments, whole class and individual instrumental lessons with visiting peripatetic staff. 

Music is planned in line with the National Curriculum and cross-curricular links are made where possible with Charanga being used to supplement and provide extra support and resources to enhance music teaching. Charanga provides many examples of music styles and genres from different times and places. These are explored through the language of music via active listening, performing and composing. Through our music lessons, children are actively involved in a wide range of music opportunities that enables them to develop their singing voices, learn to use classroom instruments and effectively express themselves. 



 We believe that music is key to bringing the community together and regularly give children the opportunity to perform in front of their parents, carers and the wider community. We understand the importance that music can have in exposing our children to experiences that they may not experience outside of school. We therefore ensure that all children are given the chance to perform at a range of venues such as stadiums and theatres as this boosts their confidence, increases their engagement in The Arts and allows them to see how music can be part of their life beyond the school gates. 

We are proud to hold the 2021-22 Music Mark.